Poultry chicken eggs are nutritious eggs laid by hens, packed with high-quality proteins, essential vitamins (A, D, B12), and minerals (iron, calcium). These nutrients support healthy muscles, immune systems, and bones. Chicken eggs come in various sizes (small, medium, large) and can be white or brown, depending on the hen breed. Minimal processing includes washing, sorting, and optional pasteurization. Required machinery includes egg graders, washers, and automated packaging systems. With a shelf life of 3-5 weeks, eggs are commonly packaged in cartons. Used widely in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, they provide versatility in recipes and products.
PROTIEGGS We brings you first time In india Organically Grown, High Quality, Tasty, Antibiotic Free, Omega 3, Vitamin E And Selenium Certified farm fresh eggs.
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